Hello Fall 2008! It's taken me a whole 8 weeks to finally get around to updating this class blog; but I feel that today it is so necessary. For those of you who dont know, this is our class blog. It's a place where I will post extra-credit opportunities, along with any other cool, interesting, dope, hecka tight, stuff that I think you guys will like.
So, today is the eve of a very important election, as you guys all know, and I cant help but wonder how our country would be affected if all of you could vote...what would the results be tomorrow if they could be decided by high schoolers...? I hear you guys talk everyday about what you like and what you dont like...but...where does politics fit into all of that?? Do you even care?
Although in class there are many areas where I won't "go there" but this blog is a different story. So, on a personal level I think about the election tomorrow as significant in that we could potentially have our first person of color as president...let that sink in for second...
So, for extra credit, please say a little about your thoughts/feelings/opinions about the current election. I can't wait to read it.
Make sure your name is on your post.
-Ms. Mack