
"...full of scorpions is my mind..." ~Winter Break Extra Credit!

"...I am in blood stepped in so far..."
Hello APers, it's the 11th hour of your winter break and you should be mostly finished with Macbeth; if not...you have some work to do.  You'll have a test on the entire book at the beginning of our next class.

Macbeth is a very troubled guy; he's a true example of how power has the ability to corrupt an otherwise virtuous individual. But who can Macbeth trust? Who is looking out for his best interests? For extra credit, respond to the questions: What advice would you give Macbeth right now? How can he maintain his role as king without betraying or murdering any more innocent people? Who are the people that Macbeth should trust and take advice from?

Post your response in the comments. Make sure your name is there as well. As always, email me with questions.

Enjoy your last few days of break,
Ms. Mack