So if you are so inclined, here is the extra credit assignment. Due the first day of class with your summer reading assignment.
Choose a character in either, The Color of Water or Huck Finn. Write a 5 paragraph essay in which you discuss the ways this character changes/develops as the novel progresses, conflicts that this character has (internal and external), this characters' role in developing the novel's plot, and finally, any major lessons learned by this character (include your analysis in this last part).
Choose a character in either, The Color of Water or Huck Finn. Write a 5 paragraph essay in which you discuss the ways this character changes/develops as the novel progresses, conflicts that this character has (internal and external), this characters' role in developing the novel's plot, and finally, any major lessons learned by this character (include your analysis in this last part).
Email me with questions, thoughts, concerns, ideas...etc.
Ms. Mack