
12th AP~Thanksgiving weekend-Xtra Credit

12th AP~  Xtra-Credit SOAPS Analysis of a group gathering.Complete by Monday Nov. 29. 

Instructions:  As you're enjoying your long weekend...take a minute to look around as you are gathered with a group of people.  Could be at the dinner table having Thanksgiving dinner, standing in a lobby at a mall on Black Friday, or even while you're riding the bus home from the movies. Consider the SOAPS of the setting you're in. Jot down some notes while you're in the actual setting and then expand those notes into a longer SOAPS analysis.  Be thorough.  Don't state the obvious...just because its Thanksgiving that doesn't necessarily mean that's the Ocassion for the gathering. Post your answers (including your name)  in the comments section for Extra Credit. I look forward to reading your responses.  Enjoy your weekend.

Ms. Mack