Many of the themes and motifs in The Crucible are very relevant for us today...loyalty, integrity and reputation heavily influence the choices of all of the characters in this play. As you've noticed in the book, the characters' fear of witchcraft in their midst leads them to be suspicious of many of the people of Salem; it gives them license to accuse each other without any real reason or evidence.
In our country, over the past 7 years especially, we have seen many circumstances where fear of the unknown leads to 'mass hysteria'; where people's actions are called into question and the truth is blurred. Your homework is to find a modern day connection to The Crucible, an event from the past 5 years that has led to or come as a result of "mass hysteria". Like we discussed in class, analyze the soaps for your articles and post it in the comments section.
-ms. mack
Here are SOAPS for five articles. JONATHAN LOPEZ
ReplyDeleteThis article is about a man who was being searched by the police because he was questioned on whether he had something to do with the anthrax mail attack. Even thought the attack had taken a year ago, he was still being searched by. This article took place a year after some mail carriers had reportedly died because of anthrax in the mail they delivered. This was written to inform people that an accused man had not yet been confirmed in working with this attack. This articles purpose is to let people know how difficult it is to accuse someone without any evidence. This man has been searched for about a couple months and the FBI still doesn’t find him guilty of anything. This article is written by a reported who wants to let people know the situation on this mans conflict.
This article is about the situation of mail carriers in the US concerning anthrax mail. It is about the United Postal Service Officials sending test results from mail facilities to check whether any of the mail contains anthrax. This article takes place during the crisis of a couple of mail carriers being affected by anthrax. This is meant to be read by anyone who is concern on the problem of having anthrax brought to their home by their mail. This article’s purpose is to insure people that every mail facility is being examined by the FBI. The author is someone who wants to let people know that the government is doing their part to try and resolve this problem
This article is about the opinions of people on the situation of receiving mail with anthrax. This article has many questions that people had on the attack, and it gives a detailed summary on the needed help on this problem. The article is written during a time of chaos on whether mail might contain any sort of deadly disease. This is mean to be read by any concern people that might think that getting their mail is not safe anymore. This article has the purpose of informing people the dangers that have occurred during the 9/11 attacks and the anthrax mail. It serves as a informative article for anyone who is scared. The author of this article is someone who had concern over the people that are scared about this situation.
This article is about television and news stations being attacked with anthrax mail. There has been found a total of six infected areas in where anthrax has been found. Not only has the attack been made in the US but there has been infected mail in Kenya. This article is written during the time of the terrorist attacks on the US. This article is trying to bring down the fear that the citizens of the US have towards any kind of the attacks that have been made. This article is written to anyone who still is frightened after the deadly attacks that were made to this country. The author is trying to inform the updates on the terrorist attacks.
This article is about mail with anthrax being found in Europe. Three people were found dead because of receiving mail with anthrax. This is a month after the 9/11 attack. This is made to be read by people that want to know that the attacks that are being made by anthrax are not only being made in the US. The purpose of this article is to let people know that the attack of terrorism is not only towards the US. The author wants people to know that the US is not the only country being attacked. http://www.foxnews.com/printer_friendly_story/0,3566,36263,00.html
'The Day After Tomorrow' - fact or fiction?
ReplyDeleteGlobal warming is one of the main topics in the movie ‘The day after the world’. The occasion is the weather conditions and the change in the climate. The change of climate is all over the world therefore the audience is everyone because they are part of the affects of the cause of global warming. The purpose of the movie is to catch the people’s attention about future climate changes and how global warming is happening. The speakers are scientists who have studied the rapid climate changes.http://www.nerc.ac.uk/press/releases/2004/13-dayaftertomorrow.asp
Rap Music Glorifying Drug Use
Drugs have become a one of the main topics that rappers, rap about. The occasion is that because of the lyrics used teens think that using drugs is “cool’. The audience is for the parents and for the parents and the listeners of that sort of music to be aware of what they are listening to. The purpose is to put aware the situation of teens sand drug abuse, and how teens thing that because famous rappers are doing it then its right for them also. The speaker s is the people that have done the research.
Tabloid hysteria greatest threat to house prices
House prices have gone down has been a problem for investors and house owners. The problem is that with the economy doing bad instead of making a profit people are losing their homes. The audience is for the people that bought houses and bought more than one because they thought it was the going to help them but they did not thing about the future of the property market. The purpose was to inform investors the problems of the economy and to be aware. The speakers are the investors that have lost money.
hello ms.mack! it's me mildreeth and i guess i'm the first one to post a comment ok here goes my homework:
ReplyDelete1.) Article1:
"Mass Hysteria caused illness on bus"
S- The subject of this article is to explain how when one person claims to have felt something akward many others start to believe this and claim to also feel the akwardness. Even though at times it may just be imaginary.
0-The occasion of this article is because there are a lot of people who create chaos out of nothing, and they want to inform these people that it is not necessary for this to occur.
A- The audience are the people who were on the bus when the mass hysteria occurred, and for the people who want to know more about what "mass hyseria is"
P- The purpose of this article is to educate people about the serious illness that mass hysteria can become.
S- The speaker of this article is an epidemiologist at the university of British Columbia who cares about the affects of mass hysteria.
2.) Article 2:
"Mass hysteria is no laughing matter"
S- The subject of this article is to explain how once again one person says something and everyone else starts to believe. Not because they want to continue a lie, but because they are scared.
O- The occasion of this article is because now a day there have been a lot of cases in where mass hysteria situations have taken place, and the writer just wants others to not be afraid because it's all just in their heads.
A- The audience of this article are people who are worried about mass hysteria situations and need more information.
P- The purpose of this article is to ease people's minds about mass hysteria and to inform them on how serious this topic is.
S- The speaker of this article is a man called Neil Osterwell who works in the medical news, and wants to people to know that mass hysteria is a serious matter and should be payed more attention to.
Nathalie Almanza
Source #1
The subject here is that the chupa cabras (goat sucker) was finally caught in South texas. The occasion was when people feared this animal for eating their livestock. The Audience would be farmers and people owning livestock. The purpose is to make the announcement public for people to see. The speaker is a rancher and witnesses that saw the chupacabra.
Source #2
The subject here is describing the chupa cabra and letting people know it is not a joke. The occasion is when people make up stories of this creature saying he is a legend but this writer proves it wrong. The audience in this article is basically everyone so they can be careful. The purpose is to let everyone know that the chupa cabra exists and he is no joke at all specially to farmers. The speaker is the person who heard many witnesses describe the chupa cabra.
Source #3
The subject in this article is to identify whether the chupa cabra is a kind of dog, dinosaur or alien. The occasion is when people are fearing this animal without knowing its species and where it comes from. The audience is people who fear this animal and want clarification on its species. The purpose is to let people know its blood is not compatible with any kind of dog, therefore it must be some kind of “alien”. The speaker is a person who is confused about this rare creature.
Source #4
The subject here is to describe the chupa cabra. The occasion is when a lot of people are reporting this creature on eating their livestock. The Audience is people who are wondering the features of this rare creature. The purpose is to inform people that this animal lives world wide and looks in the ways described in the article. The speaker is someone who is defining the chupa cabra.
Source #5
The subject here is to let people know that it’s not a chupa cabra, but a fox or coyote with a sorcoptic disease. The occasion is when many people are asking the same questions about what is this creature and some are happy because they have captured the “chupa cabra”. The audience is all the people that believed this was a rare creature coming from outer space or a rare type of dog. The purpose is to let everyone know this was all a misunderstanding and people should not be afraid of it. The speaker is someone that knows the types of diseases an animal could get.
Nery's 5 SOAPS! 4-6-08 AP English
ReplyDeleteSOAPS #1: Jena Six Rally Draws Supporters From Around the World to Louisiana.
The subject of this article is the march of supporters of Jena 6. The Jena six case is about a group of African Americans were charged with murder of a white classmate. The occasion is that six students were charged with murder and supporters wanted to show their anger towards the injustice the students are getting. The audiences for this article are people who support the Jena Six, youth learning about this issue, teachers, parents and people who believe that racism is okay. The purpose of the march was to tell everyone that they are in favor of Jena six and that they are willing to support them until the en. The speaker of this article is a supporter of this controversial case.
SOAPS #2: ‘Jena 6’ Teen Pleads Guilty to Battery.
The subject of this article was about the teen pleaded with murder now only charged with second -degree battery. The occasion of this article is that one of the six students was charged with second-degree now was only charged with second-degree battery of a fight with a white classmate in December of 2006. The audiences of this article are for high school students, parents concern about this case and authorities. The purpose of this article was to inform the reader about the Jena six and the youth involved. The other purpose was to show how justice is not served in the United States. The speaker of this article is a person who wants to let people know about the teenagers getting unfairly accused.
SOAPS #3: Thousands Rally To Support Jena 6
The subject of this article is the rallies that people are doing to support the teenager of Jena six and to show everyone that there is going to be another civil rights movement for justice for the teenagers. The occasion of this article is that six students have been charged with murder for beating a white classmate because the way blacks were treated in Jena, Louisiana. The audiences for this article are people who don’t want racism to keep going, parents and people from the government. The purpose of this article was to show how everyone in the United States is involved in this case and how much they care for the teenagers. Another purpose of this article is to show how there can be people that believe that the teenagers are guilty and that integration is not working in the United Sates. The speaker of this article is a person who supports Jena six.
SOAPS #4: Jena 6: Six Black Men Face Up to 100 Years Prison Time White Students Hang Three Nooses from a Whites Only Tree
The subject of the article is about the story of Jena six. The occasion of this article is that the author wanted to tell the events that had happened in Jena Louisiana and how the incidents before that concluded to Jena six. The audiences for this article are people that want to know about Jena six and how it started, parents and students interested in this case. The purpose of this article is to let the reader know how unfair this case began and how unfair it is. Everyone knows about the Jena six and how of a big issue it is. The speaker of this article is a person who wants everyone to know about the Jena Six.
SOAPS #5: Ugliness on All Sides in ‘Jena 6’ Case
The subject of this article is about how Jena Six is a big deal and how it’s affecting society. The occasion of this article is after the big case in Jena Louisiana. Jena six was this big case where injustice was present. The audiences for this article are students, teachers and parents. The purpose of this article is to let he reader know how Jena six is getting worst and how it’s affecting people in the United States. The speaker of this article is a person who things that Jena six is a big deal and affecting everyone because it is a big issue.
Nery's 5 SOAPS!
ReplyDeleteSOAPS #1: Jena Six Rally Draws Supporters From Around the World to Louisiana.
The subject of this article is the march of supporters of Jena 6. The Jena six case is about a group of African Americans were charged with murder of a white classmate. The occasion is that six students were charged with murder and supporters wanted to show their anger towards the injustice the students are getting. The audiences for this article are people who support the Jena Six, youth learning about this issue, teachers, parents and people who believe that racism is okay. The purpose of the march was to tell everyone that they are in favor of Jena six and that they are willing to support them until the en. The speaker of this article is a supporter of this controversial case.
SOAPS #2: ‘Jena 6’ Teen Pleads Guilty to Battery.
The subject of this article was about the teen pleaded with murder now only charged with second -degree battery. The occasion of this article is that one of the six students was charged with second-degree now was only charged with second-degree battery of a fight with a white classmate in December of 2006. The audiences of this article are for high school students, parents concern about this case and authorities. The purpose of this article was to inform the reader about the Jena six and the youth involved. The other purpose was to show how justice is not served in the United States. The speaker of this article is a person who wants to let people know about the teenagers getting unfairly accused.
SOAPS #3: Thousands Rally To Support Jena 6
The subject of this article is the rallies that people are doing to support the teenager of Jena six and to show everyone that there is going to be another civil rights movement for justice for the teenagers. The occasion of this article is that six students have been charged with murder for beating a white classmate because the way blacks were treated in Jena, Louisiana. The audiences for this article are people who don’t want racism to keep going, parents and people from the government. The purpose of this article was to show how everyone in the United States is involved in this case and how much they care for the teenagers. Another purpose of this article is to show how there can be people that believe that the teenagers are guilty and that integration is not working in the United Sates. The speaker of this article is a person who supports Jena six.
SOAPS #4: Jena 6: Six Black Men Face Up to 100 Years Prison Time White Students Hang Three Nooses from a Whites Only Tree
The subject of the article is about the story of Jena six. The occasion of this article is that the author wanted to tell the events that had happened in Jena Louisiana and how the incidents before that concluded to Jena six. The audiences for this article are people that want to know about Jena six and how it started, parents and students interested in this case. The purpose of this article is to let the reader know how unfair this case began and how unfair it is. Everyone knows about the Jena six and how of a big issue it is. The speaker of this article is a person who wants everyone to know about the Jena Six.
SOAPS #5: Ugliness on All Sides in ‘Jena 6’ Case
The subject of this article is about how Jena Six is a big deal and how it’s affecting society. The occasion of this article is after the big case in Jena Louisiana. Jena six was this big case where injustice was present. The audiences for this article are students, teachers and parents. The purpose of this article is to let he reader know how Jena six is getting worst and how it’s affecting people in the United States. The speaker of this article is a person who things that Jena six is a big deal and affecting everyone because it is a big issue.
The issue i picked is Racism
ReplyDeleteRoger Zarate
1st period
Article: “We are being injured daily by racism’ African American women speak out over insults from Imus” (April 16, 2007.
The subject of this article is that a man named Don Imus insulted a whole women’s basketball team live on his show. He called them “nappy-headed hos”, this upset many people but also opened the eyes of others. He showed outrageous disrespect for these women, consequently he got his show cancelled. The occasion was that he was giving his opinion on the basketball game. His opinion sparked mixed emotions between everyone, what he said was rude and just showed how bad racism has gone.
The audience can be considered as African American women, because they were being insulted by this man who thought of it as a joke. Imus showed in his actions how bad racism is nowadays, that there are still people who think it is comical to speak about a person or a group of people in public. The speaker can be all the racist people who discriminate against other people based on their look, race, and gender. Besides people being upset by this, a church in Oakland thanked Imus because they claimed that he showed how badly racism is in everyday life. They are making this something to learn from, an experience they will use to make a change.
Article: “Racism alleged in protest penalty Student guilty of minor charges faces a 3-year suspension” (May 25, 2007).
There was a protest in UC Santa Cruz that ended in only one black student got a harsh penalty. The police interfered with the protest, they held a few students and cited them. The only one who was given a bigger punishment was Alette Kendrick an African American woman, according to Alette she claims that the police dragged her up the stairs and left her face down in a building for several minutes. Even though she apologized of her misconduct, she was still given a 3-year suspension from school. While the rest of the students did not get as severe, the most severe punishment was for her.
All the African Americans see the racial injustice in this case, this demonstrates to the community how punishments are being determined. This article proves that race did in fact play a major role in the case. Alette Kendrick feared for her academic career, she requested a formal hearing on June 6. A spokesman from UCSC said that those are typical punishments for student’s behavior. He was not able to say if a 3-year suspension was the harshest punishment for a protester though.
Article: “Talking about race in schools” (September 16, 2007).
This article is based on San Francisco, it states that the more African American people in a school the less demands they get from people trying to enroll into that school. This shows that people are choosing schools, depending on how many black people attend the school. Many kindergartens were increasing in African American students, and were decreasing in the number of people who applied to the schools. The audience can be anyone, everyone should be aware of this dilemma. People are starting to choose schools based on the amount of black people enrolled in a certain school.
Chris Rosenberg, Starr King’s principle, made a very clear statement that people do not feel comfortable sending their kids to school with a lot of African American students. Many people are giving in to the idea of African Americans being the problem in schools. The speaker can be all the people who do believe that African Americans are a major reason not to choose a certain school. This is just what people want to believe, the truth is that if a student wants to succeed all they got to do is keep their mind set on their goal.
Article: “Race, sex, age - the politics of isms” (March 16, 2008).
Barrack Obama is also facing racism, there has never been a black president. So this is very hard on him, because it is going to be a big change for the United States if he wins. It states that people are so easily convinced by the color of a person’s skin, if it was not for this it would be much easier on Obama. Most people vote for the white people, because they are still being racist and still see African Americans as minorities. This is during the campaign of electing the new president of the United States.
The Americans all throughout the United States should know about this because this shows how people were thinking about the elections. They say that these candidates did not get where they stand for nothing, it is not easy to be in their shoes. They have struggled for their spot as candidates, and none got special treatment that placed them there. They all face stereotypes and struggle with the racism. I still think that Obama has it the toughest, because black people especially men, are seen as inferior most of the time.
Here is a video i found for my issue: http://youtube.com/watch?v=LfFfUxBDMDY
These were about an illness in a catholic school
ReplyDeleteSoaps for “ mysterious illness strikes teenage girls in Mexico”
This article was about how a few hundred girls in a Catholic school got mysteriously sick and how doctors say its just hysteria. This was written when a couple of girls had trouble walking then, more stared to act differently and become sick. People would read this to see the effects of students not being able to talk, or see their parents for a long time. The purpose was to show how emotional feelings can have an effect to ones health, and affect others. The person who wrote this was someone who wanted to say all the facts.
Link: http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/04/16/america/mexico.php
Soaps for “Six Hundred Catholic School Girls with Mass Hysteria: A Look at the School” This article was about how the Catholic school was investigated to see why the girls fell ill. Nothing was found so they blamed how isolated and disciplined the school is. The audience would be for the parents, to see what’s going on at that school. The purpose was to show what can happen to people when they kept very close together, without parents, and many rules to follow. The person who wrote this was probably concerned on what was happening. Link:http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/216646/six_hundred_catholic_school_girls_with.html
Soaps for “Six Hundred Catholic School Girls with Mass Hysteria” The article was about how back in 2006 a few girls started to get sick. The nun in charge didn’t say anything until even more became ill. This was written once the government started to get involved in the investigations. The people who read this will some of the symptoms the girls had. The purpose was too show that this illness was caused by hysteria. Link:http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/209800/six_hundred_catholic_school_girls_with.html
Soaps for “Six Hundred Catholic School Girls with Mass Hysteria UPDATE” This article was about how doctors said the illnesses were psychological because the school is so isolated. This article was written when about 600 girls got mysteriously ill.The people who would read this, are the ones who want to know how they got ill. The purpose was to show how hysteria can cause health problems. The person who wrote this probably wanted to know the cause of the problem Link:http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/216640/six_hundred_catholic_school_girls_with.html
By, Ivan Yalibat
The subject of this article is body issue hysteria. The fact that people are very concerned about their weight and being the perfect size. Discrimination among people because of sizes have been going on and NAAFA has been fighting for the rights of bigger people. Responding to the fact that "Fat-acceptance groups were dismayed when federal officials announced last month that Medicare was discarding its declaration that obesity isn't a disease". NAAFA wants to help others and people who are overweight accept that. Stating that "It's gotten markedly worse in the last few years because of the propaganda that fatness, a natural human characteristic, is somehow a form of disease." The purpose of this article is to help others accept overweight people and others accept themselves and reach to people who make others feel bad because they do not have the perfect figure. The audience intended to read this are those who make others resent their body image.
The purpose of this article is to describe the measures the airport are doing to reduce the measures of terrorism. The occasion of this is to respond to a serious terrorist threat to international aviation security. The audience are people who fly in and out of the U.S. The subject of this article is how homeland security is taking action in preventing terrorist attacks in airports. For example they are going to use “advanced targeting tools, special response teams including baggage and aircraft search teams, baggage x-ray equipment, specially-trained canine units, and explosive detection technology.” The speaker is the representative of airport security.
The purpose of this article is to inform america of the rally being marched inspired by the JENA 6 which were teenagers who were charged with several things because of racial hate crimes and the hanging of the noose. The occasion of this article was after the charges amongst the teens who unfairly charged. The audience intended to be approached is the court that has to make the decision to charge the teens and america and other groups for example white seperarists who continue to attack people with hate crimes. The subject of this article is many americans marching for what they believe in and somehow putting pressure on the court who is making the decision.
ReplyDeleteOn India’s Farms, a Plague of Suicide
By Somini Sengupta
This article is about the thousands of farmers who have been committing suicide for many years. The causes are the Indian economic policy, the competition, and the high costs of seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides. The high costs lead them to take loans with excessive interest rates. Not being able to pay their debts, farmers end up taking their lives. Sengupta mentions that, “The study by Mr. Mishra found that 86.5 percent of farmers who took their own lives were indebted- their average debt was about $ 835- and 40 percent had suffered a crop failure.” According to him, the United States has helped bring down the price of cotton for the farmers with the “$18 billion a year in subsidies to its own farmers.” This article was written after the suicide of one of the many people who have killed themselves. His name was Anil Kondba Shende and he left behind two sons. This article was written for the people in India who don’t understand what is happening or the reasons behind it. The purpose of the author is to inform the masses so that they can look for a solution and work to save the people of India. The speaker is an Indian who wants the people to change what the governments are doing to the masses. The author doesn’t want the people be ignorant about what is happening.
Debt Drives Indian Framers to suicide
By Zubair Ahmed
This article is about some of the reasons farmers in India are killing themselves and how big their debts are. Ahmed informs the readers about a man’s debt five times bigger than his annual income “on which he was already making a loss every year”. According to the article, “90% of the farmers…are now defaulters”. Another problem is that they are threatened if they don’t pay their debts on time. Ahmed also says that genetically-modified seeds are one cause for the farmers’ debts. The author wrote this article after a young cotton farmer, Kailash Jhade, was found dead. The author wrote this article to keep the people informed of the problems of the world so that something is done. The speaker wants help for those farmers so that they don’t kill themselves any more. All these deaths could have been avoided.
India’s Debt-Ridden farmers Committing Suicide
By Jason Motlagh
This article is about the farmers’ debts and the problems that keep them from paying their debts. Motlagh informs us that, “According to the National Crime Records Bureau, at least 87,567 farmers committed suicide between 2002 and 2006. In Maharashtra state, there were 4,453 suicides in 2006…an increase of 527 compared with 2005”. The author also explains that, “Analysts cite several factors for the suicides, including crop failure due to agrochemicals and climate change, lower prices due to U.S. farm subsidies, state restrictions on export trade, and the dumping of surplus crops in an oversaturated domestic market”. This article was written after Finance Minister, P. Chidambaram announced a $15 billion aid package those who owe money to state banks. As Motlagh states, “…many critics say Indian farmers need a long-term solution, not a one-time bail out”. The audience is both the people in India and the people in the United States. The author’s purpose is to express his disagreement with what both governments have done. The speaker cares about the masses and wants the suicides to stop.
Harvest of Suicides: How Global Trade Rules are Driving Indian Farmers to Despair.
By Anuradha Mittal
This article is about the global trade rules that have cause the Indian farmers’ problems- the most serious being suicide. The author tells the readers that Devinder Sharma, a food and trade policy analyst wrote to him in an e-mail saying, “Every five hours, one farmer commits suicide”. Mittal also says that, “…between 1997 and 2005, nearly 150,000 farmers in India have committed suicide, according to the National Crime Records Bureau”. The United States is partly guilty for those deaths. As said by the author, “The free trade system has exposed Indian farmers to lopsided global trade rules under which poorer countries are forced to open their markets while richer countries are able to maintain lavish export subsidies”. The audience seems to be the people in the United States who usually don’t know that the country is harming other countries, including India, in various ways. The purpose of the author is to change how people view those policies so that they can be changed. The speaker wants to keep global trade rules from harming India.
Cotton Crisis
By Jaideep Hardikar
This article blames the United States and the policies for the suicides in India. The author says that, “It’s not the lack of implementation, but the policies themselves that are the root of the prevailing crisis, and the crisis-driven distress suicides in the region”. He also blames the subsidies, the high production costs, the declining prices and many other factors for the suicides. He says that drought is just one factor but not one of the main problems because suicides were reported even when the yield was good. He compares the misery in Vidarbha to that of the great depression. This article was written after many years and the many deaths of India’s farmers. The audience is the people don’t believe that the policies are the real problem behind India’s situation. The author’s purpose is to open up peoples eyes about the thousands of suicides in India. The speaker is obviously against the policies and he wants them to change.
SOAPS for 5 articles:Jesus Trujillo
ReplyDeleteThe subject of the article was clear: Mass Hysteria. In a catholic school, two girls said they were suffering from muscle atrophy and nausea. Then,more and more girls began saying that they were suffering from it as well. Therapists say that the girls will have to go through therapy because of their hysteria. The occasion of the article is that once some girls said they were affected, other girls said they were, too. The audience of this article is everyone because this article shows how hysteria went through the whole school. The purpose of the article is that it wants to show everyone what happens when one person says something and everyone reacts to it. The speaker of the article is a reporter who wants to show everyone how mass hysteria affected the whole school.
The subject of the article is that it explains how the government's best way of getting attention on a topic is to scare people. It talks about how the government got people interested in the war in Iraq by scaring people. The occasion of the article is that it was writtin at a time where the U.S. was in hysteria because of the war. The audience for the article is everyone who wants to know about mass hysteria and how the gov't scares people into believing certain things. The The purpose of the article is to get everyone to see how mass hysteria works. The speaker is someone who emphasizes mass hysteria.....
(I'm only posting 2 right now but I am going to post three in a few minutes)
SOAPS for 5 articles: Jesus Trujillo
ReplyDeleteThe subject of the article was clear: Mass Hysteria. In a catholic school, two girls said they were suffering from muscle atrophy and nausea. Then, more and more girls began saying that they were suffering from it as well. Therapists say that the girls will have to go through therapy because of their hysteria. The occasion of the article is that once some girls said they were affected, other girls said they were, too. The audience of this article is everyone because this article shows how hysteria went through the whole school. The purpose of the article is that it wants to show everyone what happens when one person says something and everyone reacts to it. The speaker of the article is a reporter who wants to show everyone how mass hysteria affected the whole school.
The subject of the article is that it explains how the government's best way of getting attention on a topic is to scare people. It talks about how the government got people interested in the war in Iraq by scaring people. The occasion of the article is that it was written at a time where the U.S. was in hysteria because of the war. The audience for the article is everyone who wants to know about mass hysteria and how the gov't scares people into believing certain things. The purpose of the article is to get everyone to see how mass hysteria works. The speaker is someone who emphasizes mass hysteria.....
The subject of the article is that there was a school where a mysterious illness supposedly broke out but eventually doctors found out it was due to mass hysteria. The occasion for this article is that it was written to show how people react when they find out other people are sick, so they begin to believe that they are sick. The audience for the article is people who want to see mass hysteria in action. The purpose of this article is to see how mass hysteria can cause….well, hysteria. The speaker is a journalist who is trying to show everyone that there is a lot of mass hysteria in school.
The subject of the article is mass hysteria. The occasion of the article is that it was made at a time where many schools in Bangladesh had kids who were experiencing mass hysteria. The audience for the article is all the people who see mass hysteria all around and they are affected by it because in their mind, they see that they are affected. The purpose of the article is showing how kids react to other kids being sick…they begin to think that they are sick. The speaker of the article is a person who represents everyone who wants to know the truth about mass hysteria.
The subject of the article is mass hysteria. The occasion is that it was written a year after the attacks on the world trade center. The audience of the article is everyone who claimed they were experiencing toxic illnesses from the air. The purpose of this article is to show how everyone reacted to the attacks and how when a few people claim that they are affected by illnesses then more people say they are.