12th AP~ Xtra-Credit SOAPS Analysis of a group gathering.Complete by Monday Nov. 29.

Instructions: As you're enjoying your long weekend...take a minute to look around as you are gathered with a group of people. Could be at the dinner table having Thanksgiving dinner, standing in a lobby at a mall on Black Friday, or even while you're riding the bus home from the movies. Consider the SOAPS of the setting you're in. Jot down some notes while you're in the actual setting and then expand those notes into a longer SOAPS analysis. Be thorough. Don't state the obvious...just because its Thanksgiving that doesn't
necessarily mean that's the Ocassion for the gathering. Post your answers (including your name) in the comments section for Extra Credit. I look forward to reading your responses. Enjoy your weekend.
Ms. Mack
SOAPS Analysis
ReplyDeleteSubject: The subject is a thanksgiving gathering. My family, which included my four aunts and uncles and a bunch of my cousins, came into my house. We were all looking forward eating two fifteen pounds of turkey and an eight pound of honey ham. Instead of giving thanks to people, we only focused on eating and chatting.
Occasion: The occasion is the time when my family can spend time together and have a delicious meal. Thanksgiving is a great opportunity for my family to get updated on gossips.
Audience: The audience is any other family who celebrates thanksgiving. Other people can see that there are many different ways to celebrate thanksgiving. Having a family gathering at my house is my way of celebrating thanksgiving.
Purpose: The purpose is to show people that thanksgiving is not just a day to give thanks. It is also a day where families can get together and have fun. It can also be a way for families to communicate with each other.
Speaker: The speaker is someone who celebrates thanksgiving with his/her family. The speaker wants to highlight that there are many ways to celebrate thanksgiving. Also, the speaker wants to show that Thanksgiving represents many different symbols. One symbol can be an opportunity for family members to communicate.
Tone: The tone is cheerful and loving because my family has a great time on Thanksgiving Day. There are smiles on all my family member’s faces and laughers that can be heard a couple streets away.
- Kristina Yu
The subject is two friends who went to a gathering at Union Square on November 26, patiently anticipating the tree lighting that would happen at 6 P.M. The occasion is that Christmas is coming up, and people watch the tree lighting ceremony to get into the spirit, or to go with a loved one and spend time with them by ice skating in the rink nearby. The occasion could also be passing by during Black Friday shopping in downtown, San Francisco. The audience can be anyone who celebrates Christmas. It doesn’t matter if they are excited or not, because the purpose is to rally excitement for the holidays, and to get more people to visit the giant Macy’s Christmas tree throughout December. The speaker is someone who wants to spread the holiday love because in a crowd of people, everyone feeds off of each other’s happiness.
ReplyDelete-Emily June Chen
Subject: It is a family gathering. It's a pretty poor gathering, as my mother is in Lancaster and my other relatives are presumably celebrating with their in laws and whatnot. It is just my aunt, my grandma, my cousin, my brother and I at the moment.
ReplyDeleteOccasion: It's not so much a Thanksgiving dinner as it is a nice dinner. Koreans have a different day for their version of thanksgiving. The most likely reason we are here is that we are merely using the day as a an excuse to eat.
Audience: I would have to say the audience is comprised of people who are feeling down due to any number of reasons. Why? Well, read on, the purpose is next and shall explain all.
Purpose: Over half of the people usually in attendance is missing. We all fit on one table for goodness' sake. If you looked at the setting as a picture, you might say that it looks pretty empty for a family gathering, especially if you get the other two empty tables in the picture. However, we are still looking content and like we are enjoying ourselves. More than on just a family gathering, family is there for you. So on Thanksgiving, I would have to say stop moping and please be thankful simply for the fact that you have family.
Speaker: If you consider that the few family members present are still enjoying themselves, I would say that the speaker says be thankful on Thanksgiving no matter what (especially considering almost any worry can be forgotten for a few hours). Being a little more general, it is within reason to claim that the message of the setting is be thankful for family.
Justin Yoo
Speaker: The speaker is anyone who is participating in a black friday sale or anticipating a major sale. It may also include anyone who has waited in a long line for something.
ReplyDeleteOccasion: The occasion is a black friday sale during the door opener's special at any store or mall. In this instance, it was at 3am at Target, dreading the second the doors open, initiating the battle for merchandise.
Audience: The audience is anyone who may relate to the atmosphere and environment of these sales, whether or not they have participated in this specific event. It may also be someone who has fought for a specific item during a sale.
Purpose: The purpose is to get to the cheapest and best sales before anyone else. It is a race because the stocks are limited and it is first come, first serve. People fight to get what they want during these outrageous sales. The purpose of this event is to increase the store's sales and benefit the public.
Subject: The subject is the actual event and its participants along with everything that falls under the event such as the time, setting, and atmosphere.
-Nancy Tat
Subject: Black Friday shopping at Tanforan with my brother and Austin Yoo. Getting stuck in long lines and having some laughs.
ReplyDeleteOccasion: This is the second year I went Black Friday shopping. The first year was just me and my brother but this year Austin came along. I decided to celebrate my birthday by shopping so that was the occasion and there were lots of sales happening because of Black Friday.
Audience: The audience was people who decided to go Black Friday shopping and got stuck in long lines, watched people fight over cheap items, spent time with friends and had some fun.
Purpose: To show that even though activities are very tiresome and somewhat disappointing (Austin got a headache, all the gift cards Tanforan was giving out if a shopper spent over $150 ran out, waited 20 minutes at a JC Penny line), opportunities like this are still enjoyable overall.
Speaker: Someone who experienced the mix of emotions present in a moment filled with pressures and opportunities.
Josh Parina