* As I mentioned in class today, part of your homework over this long weekend is to show an example of justice as we know it today. Consider our social and political climate when you are choosing your example. Just as you've been challenged to do with To Kill A Mockingbird, please push yourself to think critically about the term justice; look below the surface. Post your photo, essay, political cartoon, blog excerpt...what have you....here. Make sure you include the source information. In addition, write a SOAPS analysis for your image or essay. I look forward to seeing what you guys find.
Enjoy your long weekend.
Ms. Mack
ReplyDeleteSubject: This political carton is about Obama recently after he was elected as the first African American to become the president of the United States. It was about his move into the white house, and how the name, the white house could be taken offensively, and the picture teases that Obama would use his power as president to eliminate that subtle expression of racism even today.
Occasion: This cartoon was created at this time because Obama had just been elected president (2008), and of course, his victory was a life changing, history making, and landmark event in the history of the USA.
Audience: Since the cartoon was taken from the Halifax Herald based up in Canada, it would really be for whoever bought and read the Halifax Herald online or as a physical paper. The author was trying to create an international bond with people who just can’t see in a paper, or the news.
Purpose: The purpose of this piece was to be informative, witty and hilarious, all at the same time, as the whole world watched history in the making.
Speaker: The speaker is for Obama himself really. As well as the Democrats teasing the rebuplic because its already in power since 8 years of republicanism.
ReplyDeleteSubject: This political carton is about Obama recently after he was elected as the first African American to become the president of the United States. It was about his move into the white house, and how the name, the white house could be taken offensively, and the picture teases that Obama would use his power as president to eliminate that subtle expression of racism even today.
Occasion: This cartoon was created at this time because Obama had just been elected president (2008), and of course, his victory was a life changing, history making, and landmark event in the history of the USA.
Audience: Since the cartoon was taken from the Halifax Herald based up in Canada, it would really be for whoever bought and read the Halifax Herald online or as a physical paper. The author was trying to create an international bond with people who just can’t see in a paper, or the news.
Purpose: The purpose of this piece was to be informative, witty and hilarious, all at the same time, as the whole world watched history in the making.
Speaker: The speaker is for Obama himself really. As well as the Democrats teasing the rebuplic because its already in power since 8 years of republicanism.
hmm. i wrote something and attempted to post it last night. it said it had to be approved. not sure what happened though.
ReplyDeleteThe United States Equal Employment Opportunities Commission (EEOC) has ordered a Baltimore hospital to settle with four Filipino nurses whom it fired for speaking their native language.
ReplyDeleteIn its decision, the EEOC said Bon Secours Hospital’s application of a rule requiring staff to speak only in English unlawfully discriminated against Corina Capunitan Yap, Anna Rowena Rosales, Hachelle Natano, and Jazziel Granada.
In their suit, the four accused the hospital management of singling them out when staff of other nationalities were not disciplined for speaking their own language. The Filipino nurses also argued that they spoke Tagalog only during breaks and not when on duty or in front of patients.
They also accused the hospital of dismissing them because of their nationality.
Filipino nurses organizations in the U.S. hailed the verdict as benefiting other immigrant workers in the country.
Source: All Headline News
S: This piece is about four Filipino nurses who were fired for speaking Tagalog during their break and when they were not on duty or in front of patients. They believed the hospital fired them because of their nationality. The brought it to court and the United States Equal Employment Opportunities Commission ruled it was unlawful for the hospital to require staff to speak only English.
O: This article was written in August of 2011. Some may believe that after slavery was abolished, discrimination no longer exist or there it happens very rarely. However, this article just goes to show that discrimination is still alive and active in the world today.
A: The audience is everyone because all ethnicity are discriminated against. The article gives hope and inspires people of all ethnicity to stand up for themselves and do not take discrimination from anyone. Just like the four Filipino ladies, justice will be brought.
P: The goal of this article is to get Filipinos, Chinese, Mexicans, African Americans, and every other ethnicity to speak up if they're being discriminated against because something can be done.
S: The author of this article speaks for the four Filipino ladies. They're basically fighting the case so that the hospital and other people around the world know it's not okay to fire someone just because of their ethnicity. It's also not okay to treat anyone differently just because of how they look, their age, gender, ethnicity, etc.
The subject of this article is Pat Robertson, a right-wing evangelical who has a Christian show called “The 700 Club.” Pat Robertson was interviewing an African-American woman who said that she eats macaroni and cheese at Thanksgiving. Robertson seemed to be confused about what macaroni and cheese was, and asked “Is that a black thing?”
This interview was shortly before Thanksgiving. It comes after many years of Robertson saying very controversial things about lots of people. The occasion is significant because it shows Robertson's attitude towards minorities is still somewhat controversial.
This article was published on the Huffington Post, which is a left-leaning news website. It is aimed at this audience in order to illustrate how the religious right maintains a unique ability to portray a complete lack of political correctness, and the injustice of Robertson being so dismissive of minorities,
This article was published to show Pat Robertson saying a relatively insensitive remark in order to undermine his credibility. The Huffington Post frequently seeks to discredit those on the right. In this case, the article was published to make Pat Robertson look like a racist, and him being injust in his judgment.
The speaker in this article is a writer at the Huffington Post, under the “Black Voices” section. The speaker speaks for those that want to see all attitudes of racial injustice be exposed. The speaker also speaks for liberals who want to portray conservatives in a negative light.
Associated Press, Published: November 25
ReplyDeleteATHENS, Greece — Greece’s coast guard rescued 92 people, believed to be illegal immigrants, on Friday from a disabled trawler in rough seas off southern Greece, authorities said.
The coast guard said the trawler was believed to be heading from the Egyptian port of Alexandria to Italy and suffered engine failure in near-gale conditions.
It was located 30 miles (50 kilometers) from the island of Kythera, after patrol boats, passing merchant ships, a rescue helicopter and a military transport aircraft were involved in the rescue operation.
The suspected illegal immigrants were safely transported to a nearby U.S.-flagged research vessel, the Atlantis, the coast guard said. The Atlantis was instructed to sail to the southern Greek port of Kalamata.
Debt-crippled Greece is a main gateway for illegal immigration into the European Union. Tens of thousands of people, mostly from Asia and Africa, are arrested on the country’s borders every year.
S: The 92 individuals rescued, the Greek Coast Guard, the European Union, and European immigration in general are all subjects in the Article.
O: The occasion for the article comes as 92 individuals, who could have died, were saved by an international rescue effort. The article demonstrates cooperation in the international community in a time where it can be scarce. It is in large part for this reason, to provide a small light amidst a world of darkness, that the article was published, renewing hope and instilling optimism with regards to the future. In addition to this, it has become commonplace in mainstream media for new publishers to provide stories like this to instill a larger amount of human interest into the news to increase readership/following.
A: The Audience of the article is most directly the readership/online follower of the Washington Post. This would implicate a slightly more liberal group of Americans and arguably Americans with an income that is higher then average. In a larger sense, the article’s audience includes the citizens of the world, demonstrating to them that good is still present amidst the vast sea of fiscal evil and general injustice.
P: The article serves multiple purposes. Above all else, the article serves to provide a human-interest story for the Washington Post. This enables the post to better retain its dwindling readership, as well as insure that there is information that is of intrigue for those who are uninterested in politics, the economy, or things that matter. In addition to fulfilling these purposes, the article comes to bring about hope in a time of great disunity and turbulence in the world. By providing a small bright spot within the pages of depressing news that frequently dominates the international news section of the Washington post, the article might uplift the spirits of readers and potentially benefit their mental health.
S: The article speaks on behalf of the world’s observers. The speaker is not one entity, but rather, an international network, a community of individuals who unite to share the goings on of the world, and place emphasis on those which are integral to society, positive in nature or are truly bizarre. This articles falls under the positive in nature category, enabling the observer of something great and hopeful to share their experience with the rest of the world. The speaker speaks on behalf of the immigrants rescued, who have no voice and will likely be imprisoned or deported to their countries of origin. The speaker speaks on behalf of those who coordinated and executed the rescue effort that saved the lives of the immigrants. The speaker has observed something great, and speaks on behalf of both a community of journalists and those individuals involved in the incident to rely this news to the American people.
S: An Italian clothing company that has been known for having controversial ads to spread peace and awareness of issues.
O: Currently, South Korea and North Korea aren't getting along with one another and there are rumors of possible wars. This issue has been going on for years.
A: The whole world is the audience. United Colors of Bentton doesn't target a specific audience, but the whole world, because they want the world to be aware of the issues that the pictures that they produce, are about.
P: To spread world peace and show that these even though the two men in the pictures are leaders of countries that hate one another, they can come together and 'kiss' and should 'kiss'.
S: The subject is the Northern and Southern Korean conflict that has been happening for decades and the leaders, which are in the picture, embrace one another.
This is justice considered justice in our society because it's not conforming to the society's norms to touch on an issue that no one likes to bring up: the Korean conflict. This company does justice by evoking controversy on a topic that a lot of people don't know about, and they're able to capture people's attention because of the embrace that the men are having in the photo, which hasn't been fully accepted in society.
S: An Italian clothing company that has been known for having controversial ads to spread peace and awareness of issues.
O: Currently, South Korea and North Korea aren't getting along with one another and there are rumors of possible wars. This issue has been going on for years.
A: The whole world is the audience. United Colors of Bentton doesn't target a specific audience, but the whole world, because they want the world to be aware of the issues that the pictures that they produce, are about.
P: To spread world peace and show that these even though the two men in the pictures are leaders of countries that hate one another, they can come together and 'kiss' and should 'kiss'.
S: The subject is the Northern and Southern Korean conflict that has been happening for decades and the leaders, which are in the picture, embrace one another.
This is justice considered justice in our society because it's not conforming to the society's norms to touch on an issue that no one likes to bring up: the Korean conflict. This company does justice by evoking controversy on a topic that a lot of people don't know about, and they're able to capture people's attention because of the embrace that the men are having in the photo, which hasn't been fully accepted in society.
ReplyDeleteS: The speaker in this political cartoon is the voice of the many unsettled U.S citizens who are upset about the actions the government is taking towards the Occupy movement. The speaker is someone who has noticed these unfair actions, and realizes that the justice system is unbalanced in regards to the Occupy Movement.
O: The occasion that inspired this cartoon to be created is the currently active Occupy Movement. The movement started in Wall Street, and has spread throughout the country, affecting many citizens.
A: It seems that the audience this cartoon was intended to affect the most is people of the government, or people who do not support the Occupy Movement. Since those who support the movement are aware of what is being shown in the comic already, it means that it is directed to force, or persuade those who have not realized this truth to open their eyes.
P: The purpose of this cartoon is to alert people of the wrongful actions our justice system is enforcing. It was created in order to exemplify the situation that is affecting many people, and punishing the innocent ones.
S: The subject of this cartoon is the Occupy Movement. More specifically it is about recent arrests made related to the movement, and the lack of arrests made towards the 1%. It is an expression of anger, and impatience towards the American Justice System.
ReplyDeleteSubject: Jose "JB" Librojo was scheduled to be deported and was told at the last second that he was allowed to stay in the United States.
Occasion: Jose Librojo was told on November 2nd that he was going to be deported back to the Philippines, which he hasn't called home in over 15 years, but due to much community action, he was able to stay in the United States for another year.
Audience: The intended audience is someone who feels like they want to make a difference and for those who try to help their community.
Purpose: The purpose of this article is to inform people that an innocent man was able to stay in the United States and to let the community know that all of their hard work had been worth it,
Speaker: The speaker of this article is someone who believes that with enough effort, good things will come to the people who deserve them.
Dan Recinto
Michigan Anti-Bullying Law Allows Bullying Of Gay Students, Activists Say
http://articles.nydailynews.com/2011-11-04/news/30361661_1_anti-bullying-law-matt-epling-kevin-epling <<<<Article
S- The subject is on the people’s outcry on a bill which allows gays to be bullied in Michigan. They feel that Michigan is in the wrong direction in preventing bullying because the bill states, “As passed today, bullying kids is OK if a student, parent, teacher or school employee can come up with a moral or religious reason for doing it”. Even the article states that gay activist slammed the bill.
O- The article is written in 2011 where gays and lesbians are becoming more accepted in society. This is relevant at this time because it is expressing the people’s concerns about this bill, which allows gays to be bullied in the state of Michigan.
A- The audience is the governors of Michigan, as well as the people in Michigan to reform the bill right away. The article expresses their concerns about the negative influence this law provides, and how the bills name is a contradiction to what the bill states.
P- The purpose of this article is to show irony of the bill; how the bill is suppose to stop bullying, yet the bill supports it. Its purpose is also to inspire outcry in the state of Michigan to reform this bill and stop its evil from happening!
S- The speakers are gay activists, anti-bully supporters, and angry American citizens. They speak against the idiocy of the bill, bullies, and the government of Michigan.
ReplyDeleteS: This photo is from a video which is about Occupy UC Davis. In this photo a group of UC Davis students are linked together by their arms. While they are sitting there peacefully a police is pepper spraying them.
O: This was posted on November 22,2011. This was taken when a group of students from UC Davis were peacefully protesting for what they believe in. Then they were pepper sprayed by the police because they wouldn't move.
A: The audience is anyone that is anyone that updates themselves on this kind of issue,that is happening in different areas of the California and in the U.S.
P: The purpose of this photo is to show that police were being violent towards the students by using pepper spray when they did no harm to anyone. This photo is to aware everyone about what is happening around in the country.
S: The speaker of this photo is people who want to aware other people about the injustice that is happening.
This photo came from The Huffington Post which is an online newspaper. It consists of events that had occurred throughout the U.S
Alex Tsang
Subject - This picture is from an article in the New York Times on how justice is portrayed. The subject of this picture is a sculpture Lady Justice, the symbol of justice. In this picture, she is shown without a blindfold, which usually represents impartiality. She is also holding a scale which she uses to measure a court case’s support and opposition.
Occasion - This image is relevant because it addresses the unfairness present in some courts. Justice is supposed to be impartial, but sometimes it is not due to a person’s wealth or status. The lack of a blindfold on this sculpture of Lady Justice shows how justice can sometimes not be blind or fair.
Audience - This picture was taken for people concerned with the state of the justice system in the US. It is for people concerned that not everyone is getting a fair voice in the court systems.
Purpose - The purpose of this picture is to educate people that not everyone is treated fairly to the law. In an ideal legal system, people would be treated based purely on what they did, and not who they are. However this is not always the case and this picture informs people of that fact.
Speaker - This image speaks for people everywhere that are concerned for the current justice system. Once people are educated that an issue exists with the justice system, they can start to fix it.
ReplyDeleteSubject - This picture is from an article in the New York Times on how justice is portrayed. The subject of this picture is a sculpture Lady Justice, the symbol of justice. In this picture, she is shown without a blindfold, which usually represents impartiality. She is also holding a scale which she uses to measure a court case’s support and opposition.
Occasion - This image is relevant because it addresses the unfairness present in some courts. Justice is supposed to be impartial, but sometimes it is not due to a person’s wealth or status. The lack of a blindfold on this sculpture of Lady Justice shows how justice can sometimes not be blind or fair.
Audience - This picture was taken for people concerned with the state of the justice system in the US. It is for people concerned that not everyone is getting a fair voice in the court systems.
Purpose - The purpose of this picture is to educate people that not everyone is treated fairly to the law. In an ideal legal system, people would be treated based purely on what they did, and not who they are. However this is not always the case and this picture informs people of that fact.
Speaker - This image speaks for people everywhere that are concerned for the current justice system. Once people are educated that an issue exists with the justice system, they can start to fix it.
ReplyDeleteSOAPS Analysis
S: This photo exhibits a black father and a white mother carrying their babies on their backs. The two babies that interact and the parents that are faced the other way separates the generations that have evolved. Justice is shown through this picture of how our new generation should end racism, look away from how racism has affected us in the past, and move forward.
O: The two older parents symbolizes our society today. Many people say racism is wrong yet they subconsciously com mitt acts of racism. This photo intends to ideally create an image in how people should approach racism. The innocence of the children shows that skin color shouldn’t be a quality in why they become friendly with each other.
A: The audience is the world because the world is filled with racism even to this day. Many people are aware of this, but there are few people who try to stop this.
P: Racism is one of the many main causes of unjustly acts in this world. In order to bring justice, we as humans must stop the issues happening one at a time.
S: The creator of this photo is someone who portrays racism as a continuation of our past. Thus, the children is our future we must not influence their innocence so that racism continues.
ReplyDeleteSOAPS Analysis
S: This photo exhibits a black father and a white mother carrying their babies on their backs. The two babies that interact and the parents that are faced the other way separates the generations that have evolved. Justice is shown through this picture of how our new generation should end racism, look away from how racism has affected us in the past, and move forward.
O: The two older parents symbolizes our society today. Many people say racism is wrong yet they subconsciously com mitt acts of racism. This photo intends to ideally create an image in how people should approach racism. The innocence of the children shows that skin color shouldn’t be a quality in why they become friendly with each other.
A: The audience is the world because the world is filled with racism even to this day. Many people are aware of this, but there are few people who try to stop this.
P: Racism is one of the many main causes of unjustly acts in this world. In order to bring justice, we as humans must stop the issues happening one at a time.
S: The creator of this photo is someone who portrays racism as a continuation of our past. Thus, the children is our future we must not influence their innocence so that racism continues.
ReplyDeleteSOAPS Analysis: Chicken
Subject: The subject of this picture is the chickens, who are put into crowded locations for easy and fast production of food. The chickens, who are forced to live in metal foundations at night, are bred for only food, and not allowed to live the few pleasures of life that they have, such as walking in the grass or spreading their wings. It also shows that dirty, disease infected kennels that they have to live in for the duration of their life, which is less than three months. Chickens aren't treated as animals, but as meat and nothing more.
Occasion: This picture was probably taken in the early 2000s, such as 2005 to 2010 range. However, chickens have been treated like this since the fast food chains have became popular back in the mid 1900s with McDonalds, who came up with the idea to make cheap food without so much hassle, and that's how these chicken farms were created. This picture is still relevant to present day America and where our food really comes from.
Audience: The audience that this is directed to is modern day America. America, in which ¼ of the meals consumed aren't at a dinner table, and instead at a fast food chain's filthy table. The audience is suppose to realize that their food isn't made honestly. That the chickens are bred in filthy conditions, treated like trash, filled with many diseases, and still pass to be fed to Americans. Also, the audience can be spread to all people. To every single human being who is consuming food from a supermarket to a fast food chain since this is where their food comes from. Honest farmers are the only way to go.
Purpose: The only purpose of this picture is to show people that where their food comes from isn't from a farm, but on a factory like their iPod, or their Gameboy. That chickens are being manufactured to grow faster and easily in ways that aren't natural at all. These habits cause dis-functions with the food, and are still set out on our dinner tables to eat every night. Well, if you even eat dinner at a table and not in front of a TV. Most of all, this picture is suppose to show people where their food comes from. Food that is dishonest and treats their animals like shit, and that shit goes from their slaughter houses, transported thousands of miles, and put into a grocery store so you can buy food from a logo with a picture of a farm on it, not a factory.
Speaker: The speaker of this is all the protagonists who want to show the justice of the food system. That they have honest food, from happy chickens who live a good life before they are put onto your plate. Even though it is more expensive, it is worth it to benefit good people and not corporations who don't care at all for their animals. These protagonists want to remove the veil that these fast food corporations have tried to keep up for so long, and show the people where their food really comes from.
ReplyDeleteSyria unrest: Arab League adopts sanctions in Cairo
Syria, a founder member of the Arab League, was formally suspended last week
The Arab League has approved sanctions against Syria, including an asset freeze and an embargo on investments.
It comes after months of unrest. The United Nations estimates about 3,500 people have died as Syria has sought to put down anti-government protests.
The Arab League suspended Syria earlier this month, in a move denounced by Damascus as meddling in its affairs.
League foreign ministers adopted the unprecedented sanctions at a meeting in Cairo by a vote of 19 to three.
The move came after Syria refused to allow 500 Arab League monitors into the country to assess the situation on the ground.
Syria, one of the founder members of the Arab League, condemned the sanctions as a betrayal of Arab solidarity.
Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem accused the league of seeking to "internationalise" the conflict.
Refusal to implement
Qatari Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim al-Thani gave details of the sanctions to a news conference in Cairo. They include:
• Cutting off transactions with the Syrian central bank
• Halting funding by Arab governments for projects in Syria
• A ban on senior Syrian officials travelling to other Arab countries
• A freeze on assets related to President Bashar al-Assad's government
The declaration also calls on Arab central banks to monitor transfers to Syria, with the exception of remittances from Syrians abroad.
The league also voted to impose a ban on commercial flights between Syria and member states. A date for the ban to enter into force will be agreed within the next week.
Two of Syria's immediate neighbours, Iraq and Lebanon, abstained from the vote. Iraq suggested an economic blockade would not work in practice.
Sheikh Hamad said Iraq would refuse to implement the sanctions, while Lebanon had "disassociated itself."
Iraq is Syria's second-biggest trading partner, accounting for 13.3% of Syria's trade, to a value of 6.78bn euros (£5.81bn; $8.97bn).
Turkey - which attended the meeting as an observer, since it is not an Arab state - said it would act in accordance with the Arab League sanctions.
"When civilians are killed in Syria and the Syrian regime increases its cruelty to innocent people, it should not be expected for Turkey and the Arab League to be silent," said Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, according to the state Anatolia news agency.
The EU and the US already have sanctions in place against Syria.
The Arab League move is being portrayed in Damascus as part of a Western-inspired conspiracy to undermine the country because of its traditional resistance to Israel, says the BBC's Jim Muir in neighbouring Lebanon.
Syrian state television described the sanctions as "unprecedented measures aimed at the Syrian people".
Meanwhile, violence continued on Sunday with Syrian activists saying at least 11 people were killed across the country.
The flashpoint region of Homs saw at least six people killed in three separate incidents, the British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.
On Saturday, Syria buried 22 members of the armed forces, including six elite pilots ambushed on a highway near Homs, following a recent upsurge of armed attacks on security forces.
ReplyDelete'Humanitarian corridor'
The League threatened Syria with sanctions earlier this month after President Bashar al-Assad repeatedly failed to implement steps to end the violence, including allowing international observers to enter Syria.
Damascus depends on its Arab neighbours for half of its exports and a quarter of its imports, so the sanctions - supplemented by Syria's northern neighbour Turkey - will step up the pressure and increase Syria's sense of isolation.
On Saturday, Mr Muallem hit out at the group after it asked the UN to contribute to the proposed observer mission, calling it an invitation "for foreign intervention instead of a call to avoid one".
But Sheikh Hamad said the sanctions were necessary if the international community were to see that the Arab countries were "serious", the Reuters news agency reports.
"All the work that we are doing is to avoid this interference," he said, according to Reuters.
Speaker: The article represents the views of many Westerners who are openly for the taking down of the current Syrian rulers. In Western eyes, these events are delivering justice to the Syrian government who has been attacking their own people, although little is said about the “justice” being brought to innocent Syrians who are also getting harmed as a result. Because the audience is mostly comprised of English-speaking people, the article is written for them, and thus also in their point-of-view.
Occasion: This article was written to report the fact shortly after it has occurred. After a period of general unrest and disapproval of the Syrian government, the population banded together to show their dissatisfaction, continuing the spreading movement known as the Arab Spring. Like many other Arab nations where such a movement spread, the government “cracked down” on the protests, injuring and killing many, which in turn fuels the movement. Syria originally agreed to end all violent crackdowns under an agreement formed within the Arab League, but never followed its promises with violence by government forces continuing. As a result, the Arab League agreed to establish sanctions meant to harm Syria economically when it was clear political action had little effect. The sanctions mean that government bodies and businesses in the Arab League nations must cut off ties with the central bank of Syria, among other procedures.
Audience: As an English (both in language and location) news agency, the BBC’s main audience is those living in English-speaking, Western nations. This is made clear because the story is reported from a Westerner’s point-of-view. Rather than seeing both sides of the sanctions and equally reporting the damaged caused to private Syrian businesses and families who are not at fault for the recent violence, the reporter states only how the government, which is portrayed as evil, is being punished. As a result, the article supports the wishes of Western governments, who want to see the Syrian government replaced.
Purpose: As it is derived from an international, mostly-neutral news agency, the primary purpose of this article is present important world events shortly after they occur. In this case, it is also to inform the world that their version of justice is in the midst of being served to the Syrian government, as this move by the Arab League shows that the Syrian government has little to no allies left in their fight against the protesters, and that their end is approaching.
Subject: As stated in the Occasion section, much of the Syrian population is unhappy with the current ruling government, and is being violently repressed as a result of their protest. While this is the reason for the Arab League to meet, it is their decision to establish economic and political sanctions that is the focus of this story. This event creates an enormous impact as the decision shows that the Syrian government is now largely alone in their fight against the Syrians.
Picture: http://www.intoon.com/toons/2003/KeefeM20030605.jpg
In this picture, senator John Ashcroft appears to be holding a paper involving post 9-11 activities. He is standing next to Justice, who appears to have a paper bag over her head. Both of them have a thought about justice.
S: The speaker of this comic would be the cartoon author, Mike Keefe. He is writing this cartoon to address an issue involving Ashcroft and the perceptions of justice.
O: This image was created in 2003. During that year, Ashcroft was accused of wrongfully detaining an American citizen suspected of terrorist affiliations. This is still relevant because in 2010, the Supreme Court is deciding on whether to sue Ashcroft for his actions.
A: This cartoon may be directed towards politicians due to the nature of the content. It may furthermore be addressed to people with ideals of justice.
P: The purpose of this cartoon is to reveal Ashcroft's reasons behind his actions and address his reaction to the federal court. Ashcroft would respond by justifying his means of arrest, calling American justice "blind." However, Justice is embarrassed because Ashcroft is distorting the true views of justice with his opinion. Additionally, there is a paper bag above Justice's head, signifying that she is physically blind as Ashcroft states in addition to embarrassment because of his statement.
S: The cartoon is focused on Ashcroft's reaction when the Supreme Court considers suing him for detaining a suspected citizen for 13 months.
Austin Yoo
ReplyDeleteThis article is about Michael and Chantell Sackett. They wanted to build a house on their own property at Priest Lake, Idaho, but the EPA ruled that they must remove the house and restore the land because it was a ‘classified wetland’. Even though the land was the Sacketts’ private property, and filing for a wetlands permit to protect it would have cost them roughly $200,000, the courts ruled in favor of EPA, stating that Clean Water Act had pre-judgment on the issue, thus rendering the Sacketts’ claims as void.
Speaker: This article speaks on behalf of Michael and Chantell Sackett, and highlights their attempts to fight the EPA; it is a struggle that is supported and voiced by many families all around America, who have been victims of unfair and obstructive policies that have compromised their economic standing, as well what should have been their ‘inalienable rights’.
Occasion: The context of this article consists of the current overpowered nature of federal agencies, in this case the EPA. The article serves to cater to this occasion by subtly favoring the Sacketts’ viewpoint, thus strengthening the argument that the EPA’s level of influence is unfair to the general American public.
Audience: The article is directed at the EPA, a government superpower that has at times exercised unfair policies that completely supersede the individual right to one’s own property and economic ventures.
Purpose: This article makes the implication that big businesses and government institutions generally have far too much influence on the people, and that the Sacketts are displaying initiative, strength, and a collective mindset from all those who have been impacted by the EPA in legally fighting the organization.
Subject: The main point is that the Sacketts are representing everyone who has had their rights compromised by large agencies/companies such as the EPA, and they are bringing light to some of the largely ignored injustices that these groups are imposing upon the general public. For example, the part about having to pay upwards of $200,000 just to obtain a permit for their own property serves as a powerful reminder of just how much these groups are allowed to get away with.
Article: http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,2099919,00.html
ReplyDeleteS: This article is about Occupy Cal Berkeley, one of the many Occupy movements happening worldwide. This piece details how the police handled the protesters at Occupy Cal Berkeley, and how they are calling for the resignation of the chancellor of the school.
O: This article was written in 2011. This is an event that is happening right now.
A: The audience of this article is the general public. The author is trying to reach out to the "99%".
P: The goal of this piece is to make the public aware of what is going on with the Occupy movement. The author is trying to show that the protesters are being punished harshly for what they believe in.
S: The author is speaking for those who want to fight the injustice in the world's economy.
ReplyDeleteS: The subject of this photo is how camping out for Black Friday isnt seen as a crime.
O: The occasion is both the Occupy Movement and Black Friday hysteria.
A: The photo is for the citizens volunteer in the Occupy Movement to show the difference between "occupying"
P: The purpose of this picture is to show how camping out for corporate support will not result into arrest, but camping out against corporate ideas will.
S: The speaker of this image are the customers who are camping out before the stores open on Black Friday
ReplyDeleteS: the topic being described in the article is the the entire NBA and its players. With what has happened with the delayed start in the NBA season due to a lockout. the start of the nba and the agreement into it beginning soon is showing a representation of justice to the fans with the deal happening and causing for a season to currently happening and not just being expelled.
O; The occasion being discussed throughout the article is on the NBA lockout. this is a appeal to the people because there is a neglect to the fans because of a delay and possible end to hopes of a new season. but this article will ensure a guarantee start to the new season.
A: the people expected to react to this article are the fans of the NBA because of a high turnout of fans in last years season this will enable for a hope and happiness onto the people. the audience are especially for the people who have had high interest in basketball or sports
P: The reason for this article is because people in the NBA have had some eagar new fans but with the lockout the fan base has been jeporadized into becoming decreased from last years turnout.
S;The person who is speaking is a person who has been in the investigation of a the time for the start of a new basketball season. Also the person speaking is someone who has faced the rough times in dealing with the contracts regarding the lockout
ReplyDeleteSubject – The subject of this cartoon is bullying. What is happening is there is a hand forcefully taking a bully away from a child who is being bullied. The hand represents the anti-bully law in Massachusetts. There is a sign in the background that says “school” which shows that the main purpose of this cartoon is to show that the state law will do whatever they can to prevent an unsafe environment at schools.
Occasion – The occasion is the present. The artist decided to create this piece because he understands the severity of bullying in schools. It was published because maybe he thought that the Massachusetts law wasn’t enough to stop bullying because most children don’t even know what the law is.
Audience – The audience is probably younger kids because it’s a comic and I guess most kids like that stuff. Since it’s colorful, it would probably catch their eye more. It can also be for parents who have kids. For them, they will hopefully try to be more aware of what kinds of things that their
Purpose – The reason behind this cartoon is to convey the message that maybe the government is not going about the right way in trying to prevent bullying because the hand is doing pretty much the same thing to the bully as the bully is doing to the bullied. It is trying to show that there isn’t really a good way to stop bullying without having some force in it.
Speaker - The speaker is the bullied. The bullied people want to be left alone because those who are bullied are usually unable to speak for themselves. And those who have seen the Massachusetts anti-bully law and disagree with it are portraying it as something bad.
Philip Pachigalla
ReplyDeleteMS. Mack
AP English
SOAPS – Justice
Subject: The subject is about the extent of government supervision in the everyday lives of Americans. An 8 year old boy weighing in excess of 200 pounds was taken by child health care services, and placed in the care of a foster family. The parents were already trying to help their son lose weight, and there were no immediate health concerns.
Occasion: In a time where there is a lot of discussion about obesity and total government control, stories like these tend to get sensationalized. It also happened in the same time period that the government declared that advertisements for fast-food and free toys for unhealthy meals are not unconstitutional. Also, the government just stated that pizza could be considered a vegetable because of the sauce in it.
Audience: This piece is especially appealing to those people who say that the government is taking too much power for itself in the lives of its citizens. It also is appealing to people who say that the government should regulate stuff like this more. The government supported free toys in unhealthy foods, while at the same time taking obese kids away from their parents.
Purpose: This piece was written to raise more awareness in people at the grassroots level. It was also written because both issues are really important topics, and the government had never taken a kid away from his/her parents for this reason.
Speaker: This piece was by The Plain Dealer, a newspaper in Cleveland, Ohio. It presents a rather unbiased view of the event, but does give both views a fair part in the article. The speaker can be said to be either or both of the views indicated above.
ReplyDeleteS: The subject of this political cartoon is that justice in society today is blinded by politics. This is shown by the figure's sight being limited by the 2 wooden boards that say "politics".
O: The occasion of this cartoon is when members of the New Black Panther Party were intimidating white voters with racist remarks in the 2008 elections. Eric Holder (Attorney General) was accused of dismissing the New Black Panther case only because the accused were minorities being charged with a civil rights violation.
A: The audience intended for this cartoon are people who want to learn more about the New Black Panther case and who want to know why it was such a controversy at the time.
P: The purpose of this cartoon is to show that Eric Holder's approach on this case was inappropriate. The cartoon shows that the national idea of what justice should be was tampered with.
S: The speaker is a person who disagrees with Eric Holder's influence and decision toward the New Black Panther case. The speaker believes that Eric Holder only dismissed this case because he himself is considered a minority.
-Paola Mendizabal
Sorry, I forgot to post the article.
ReplyDeleteCLEVELAND (AP) — An Ohio third-grader who weighs more than 200 pounds has been taken from his family and placed into foster care after county social workers said his mother wasn't doing enough to control his weight.
The Plain Dealer reports (http://bit.ly/t68M7D ) that the Cleveland 8-year-old is considered severely obese and at risk for such diseases as diabetes and hypertension.
The case is the first state officials can recall of a child being put in foster care strictly for a weight-related issue.
Lawyers for the mother say the county overreached when authorities took the boy last week. They say the medical problems he is at risk for do not yet pose an imminent danger.
A spokeswoman says the county removed the child because caseworkers saw his mother's inability to reduce his weight as medical neglect.
Information from: The Plain Dealer, http://www.cleveland.com
I also went to the main article, which was very long, so I didn't want to post it, but here is the link Ms. Mack - http://bit.ly/t68M7D
Corrina Angeles
ReplyDeleteSource: Times.com
Subject: The subject of this essay are the students who are in the middle of a rebellion. These students have been boycotting school for months in demand of school reform. Each of the subjects are wearing some sort of protective masks. The main subject is holding a type of stick and is hitting a vehicle on the right side of the photo. This vehicle seems to be a military vehicle.
Occasion: This photo had taken place in Santiago, Chile on the 18th of November 2011. It was taken during an educational reform riot. The student-led riot was caused by demands on school reform such as demands of cost-free education. This riot is the "largest national upheaval since democracy was restored in Chile in 1990".
Audience: This photo is directed to those who read Time magazine, which generally are the people who are politically aware of the injustices happening around the world such as this riot in Chile. This could also be a call for help for the Chilean leaders, to tell the leaders that the people are dissatisfied with their current educational system.
Purpose: The purpose of this text is to raise awareness about the current crisis in the state educational system in Chile. Its purpose is to convey the rage and dissatisfaction of the citizens of Chile and let the world know that change needs to take place in the schools of Chile. These messages are shown through the rage in subjects' actions in the photo.
Speaker: The speaker of this photo are the Chilean students. It speaks for all those citizens who call for a change in their education. It speaks for the Chilean citizens who are ready to excercise their democracy after their restored democracy in 1990.
Mia Santos
ReplyDeleteLink to photo: http://onlyaliberal.com/blog/2009/08/
Subj: The picture with fictional character, "The Joker" is known as a killer and the caption says "Brilliant and profound" while Obama is made to have the look of the joker but would be known as "Mean-Spirited and Dangerous" even though he is the president.It is about how color can affect someone's reputation with just assumptions. Even though, there are no hard facts of Obama trying to hurt people.
O: The occasion is to criticize Obama. I see it as a race card and that the only way society could be content with the government is if the president wasn't black then all the discrimination would end. The author was possibly reacting to something Obama has been recently doing, that or did not want him to win presidency in the first place and believe he won due to the race card and that there was never a black president. He/she possibly sees any race besides white should be seen as dangerous.
A: The audience is possibly people who look for humorous pictures against politics. Since the author is trying to get people to side with him/her to "brainwash" someone into believing what they are saying is true.It could also be people looking into critics against Obama or people looking into Obama in general because it's to see all the different ideas people have of Obama.
P: The purpose is to show how someones race can affect their portrayal on people. Also, it seems to be like the author is trying to portray Obama as someone more dangerous then "The Joker". They are saying that the joker is brilliant for what he does; how he hurts people, and manages to get away from it.The purpose is to make Obama look bad.
Speaker: The speaker is a critic against Obama. The speaker uses humor while making the audience think about how society should see Obama.
Alaina Domingo
ReplyDeleteMack APEng
November 28, 2011
Picture/Essay on “Justice”
Subject: This article is focusing on a court case about a homicide that was committed by a man named Shane Hawkins. Shane dumped a seventeen year old boy’s body in the Chippewa Falls and he is almost found not guilty due to the fact that he possibly has a mental disease. The jury was on the edge of whether or not Shane should be found responsible for the murder of the seventeen year old boy considering the fact that he couldn’t confirm his actions because of his “mental disease”. As a result, Shane Hawkins was found guilty and seen responsible for the murder of the seventeen year old boy.
Occasion: This was written at this point of time possibly because the writer saw interest to this story and wanted to keep it alive in order for people to be aware of what Shane Hawkins has done. It is relevant to this time because there are familiar/similar cases to this one, people can easily say that they have a mental disease so that they wouldn’t be held responsible for the crime but obviously, not all of the felons get away with it.
Audience: The audience I think the writer is trying to shoot for are mainly for the family of the boy who was killed; to let the family know that their emotional experience has not died down and the people of the world are being aware that there are monsters like Shane Hawkins who will commit such gruesome crimes such as this. In order for people to be cautious of the dangerous aspects of the world, there must be stories that can possibly happen to anyone in the world.
Purpose: The goal of the particular piece is to, like I said, spread awareness that there is a dangerous side to the world. This case can happen to possibly anybody who isn’t being cautious of themselves. Also for the family who is suffering from the loss of their seventeen year old boy, so that he will not be forgotten, that there can be justice served even if the felon who committed the crime pleads that they have a mental disease.
Speaker: The speaker who is explaining the event of the court case is Mark Gunderman. I believe that he represents the family who is suffering for their loss. The family can’t spread their experience and story on their own for people to be aware, they need someone like Mark Gunderman to help them by writing an article. He speaks for other families who may not know that there are people who can help the public be aware of the crazy people out there.