Hello AP'ers. As I mentioned in the email I sent you all, our President will be addressing the nations' students today (Tuesday September 8) via a web broadcast. Here is the information about the speech, taken directly from the White House's site: (notice the embedded SOAPS in this short paragraph)
Help get America’s students engaged! On Tuesday, September 8 — the first day of school for many students — the President will talk directly to students across the country on the importance of taking responsibility for their education, challenging them to set goals and do everything they can to succeed. We want to make sure that as many schools and classrooms nationwide can participate in this special opportunity, so we are making the President’s address and all the information that comes with it available as widely as possible. Whether you are a teacher, a school board member, or a member of the media, find information below to help you watch and be engaged with the President in welcoming our students back to school."For extra credit:
1. Watch the speech on whitehouse.gov/live
2. Write a SOAPS analysis
3. Identify what types of appeals are being made and examples of the language used?
4. Is this an effective speech? Why or Why not?
*Please post your responses in the comments section. Be sure to include your name*
Ms. Mack
Jessa Lebantino
ReplyDeleteMs. Mack
AP English
Sept. 09, 2009
Subject: President Obama makes a speech to encourage students to set goals and to always try to strive to do their best, and to never give up on themselves.
Occasion: President Obama speaks at Wakefield High School, on Sept. 8, 2009. He probably speaks at this point of time because he wants to make sure kids are doing their job, for he is doing his job trying to make schools a better place to learn. He also probably knows that every student has their own problems and wants to reassure them that everyone is human, and there should be no excuse for not trying in school. Most importantly, he wants to make sure people don't quit on themselves.
Audience: He is speaking to students all over the world, teenagers undergoing adversities, and people who don't take education seriously.
Purpose: President Obama's goal is to motivate students to strive in school because it's key to a great career. Students need to realize that education is key to their success, even if their not the brightest student. He wants them to know that everyone has their hardships, but letting them get in the way of school is not an excuse. He esepecially wants to emphasize the importance of not letting people give up on themselves.
Speaker: President Obama is the speaker himself. Yet, he's also speaking for all well-educated people, people who have succeeded through education, and people who have made it through college with hardships in their lives.
3. President Obama uses ethos and logos in his speech to reach out to the students. He uses stories of different students who have made it all the way to college and beyond with their own predicaments. He even uses himself as an example of a person that has succeeded through education, and is successful today because of it. To top off his speech, Obama uses a strong overall tone to motivate and encourage the students.
4. This is certainly an effective speech because some people need that reassurance that shows that they can try in school even if their social life isn't at its best. Most students need to be reminded that their not alone, and that everyone has their separate problems in life, but it shouldnt effect their eduation. Also, just because people go through tough times, doesn't mean they won't succeed in life. And just because there are other people that are smarter than others, doesn't mean their stupid. Obama made this speech to encourage the youth to strive for their goals and to begin a successful career by doing their best in school. He advised that young learners have a set goal towards eduation, whether it was as simple as waking up on time for school. Nevertheless, the most important part of the speech was the motivation that came from not giving up on ourselves, because it meant giving up on our country, family, and friends.
Michael Asuncion
AP English
2. (SUBJECT): President Obama's speech focuses primarily on the youth of the United States and their responsibility to both their country and themselves to get a good education as well as to always work hard so they may better themselves.
(OCCASION): The date that Obama made this speech (September 8) was the first day of school for many students in the U.S., so he probably wanted to motivate them to start strong with their schoolyear.
(AUDIENCE):Students, parents, teachers; basically anyone who ever thought twice about their education can relate to this speech. However, President Obama seems to specifically target those who seem less than thrilled about their schooling, and he hopes to effectively get his point across to them.
(PURPOSE): There has been a noticeable decline in young people's interest in their education, so perhaps Obama also sought to renew enthusiasm in the students for their own education.He stresses that a good education and personal determination today is the only way to secure a successful future, one in which the current generation will shape as the years come along.
(SPEAKER): Though spoken from the point of view of the President himself, the speaker is generally a person who has become their own success story; a person who has had many ups and downs in their life, yet still managed to make something of themselves through their own will and desire to learn and self-improve.
3. Obama used all three types of appeal (ethos, pathos, logos) in his speech. For pathos, his status alone as the President and his own background as a hardworking student lends the essay with the credibility needed for people to even listen to what he has to say in the first place. Logos is used when he states that even the most successful people in the world failed in the past, but learned from their failures to later on succeed, as well as his statement that the only way to secure a good job is to get a good education. This common sense drives the essay, though not at all in a condescending manner. He uses pathos in his acknowledgment of high school seniors all over the country, as well as addressing his empathy for those starting the year in new schools. He talks as if addressing the students directly, establishing a connection with which the many young listeners around the nation can connect with. He even references popular kid trends like Facebook and Xbox to further this connection.
4. I feel this is an effective speech as I even found myself looking at his speech and thinking about all the things I have to do this year, but in addition to feeling overwhelmed and a little scared, I was rendered with a sense of empowerment and felt as long as I continue to work hard and not give up on myself, I'll be able to accomplish what I want to accomplish. However, I think the audience as well as myself may have been a little thrown off by the peppered-in American propaganda, but that can be expected out of any political speech, I suppose. Overall, I did enjoy the speech.
Sean Ellis
ReplyDeleteMs. Mack
AP English
S: The subject is education as a whole. The effects of budget cuts on education in California, I’m sure. It’s paired with the lack of drive in children to learn more in school, and even to show up to school on a daily basis.
O: The president is saying this speech to keep kids from skipping school and he is trying to get them to be eager to learn; if not for themselves, for the better of their country.
A: The audience is not only the students, but the parents of those students whose job is to motivate them to go to school.
P: The purpose is to make kids start going to school and learning.
S: Yes, President Obama is speaking, but I think it’s the thoughts of the people coming out. Kids seem to be losing the drive to learn nowadays, and now is when we need it the most.
• Talks about how his mother took extra time to teach him when they didn’t have the money to get a full “American Education.”
• He says that some kid’s future could hold the cure for cancer. Or the cure for Aids, so everyone should work their hardest to preserve the human race.
• Starts off with “sympathetic” talk; playful banter with kids, “I wish it was still summer, etc.
• “I didn’t focus as much as I should have either”
• Other people are suffering just like you are, if not worse.
• Makes points that parents can say “I told you so” to their kids. “Don’t play xbox all the time, don’t watch too much tv.”
• He says that if you give up on yourself, “you’re giving up on your country”, and that’s bad!
• Don’t be a quitter, it will not get you anywhere in life.
Is this an effective speech?
I think so, because he reaches out to those who are in difficult situations, and also to those who care about their country. His use of pathos appeals to people's consciences, telling them that the "right thing" to do would be to do their best so they can make a valid contribution to the United States as a whole. His appeals work on me, at least. And im sure that there are more kids out there who hear and heed his words and will work towards bettering themselves for the better of the USA.
Sean Ellis
ReplyDeleteMs. Mack
S: The subject is education as a whole. The effects of budget cuts on education in California, I’m sure. It’s paired with the lack of drive in children to learn more in school, and even to show up to school on a daily basis.
O: The president is saying this speech to keep kids from skipping school and he is trying to get them to be eager to learn; if not for themselves, for the better of their country.
A: The audience is not only the students, but the parents of those students whose job is to motivate them to go to school.
P: The purpose is to make kids start going to school and learning.
S: Yes, President Obama is speaking, but I think it’s the thoughts of the people coming out. Kids seem to be losing the drive to learn nowadays, and now is when we need it the most.
• Talks about how his mother took extra time to teach him when they didn’t have the money to get a full “American Education.”
• He says that some kid’s future could hold the cure for cancer. Or the cure for Aids, so everyone should work their hardest to preserve the human race.
• Starts off with “sympathetic” talk; playful banter with kids, “I wish it was still summer, etc.
• “I didn’t focus as much as I should have either”
• Other people are suffering just like you are, if not worse.
• Makes points that parents can say “I told you so” to their kids. “Don’t play xbox all the time, don’t watch too much tv.”
• He says that if you give up on yourself, “you’re giving up on your country”, and that’s bad!
• Don’t be a quitter, it will not get you anywhere in life.
I think it is a successful speech because he appeals to the conscience of the kids. He tries to tell them that if they focus on their work and their education, they will be able to make the world a better place for everyone, including themselves and the future of the world. He almost lists off the possibilities that people can achieve if they try, even in the face of adversity. His use of his own story and the stories of others just makes it that much more powerful.
Tristan Meyer
ReplyDeleteMs. Mack
AP English
SUBJECT: Obama is speaking about how it is necessary for students to take a leading role in their education. He stresses that the government and teachers can only go so far and that the students need to take an extra step themselves.
OCCASION: The speech is important at this time because so many schools have budget problems, some to the point where students need to become more active learners. It is also the first day of school for many in the country, and as such it is a logical choice to speak at this time.
AUDIENCE: Obama is speaking to current students, who he believes need to be more responsible about their schoolwork and anybody that isn't taking education seriously.
PURPOSE: Obama is trying to inspire the students of America to make a greater effort in their schoolwork, to try harder at becoming successfull. He acknowledges that this is no easy task, but that he expects the best from everyone in this time of hardship.
SPEAKER: The president speaks for himself, as well as all of the other well educated people who have had to struggle. He speaks for concerned parents as well as a concerned government.
APPEALS?: Obama makes several appeals in his speech, the most obvious being appeals to logos and pathos. He implies that doing well in school makes sense, as it will help you become more succesfull later on it life. He also appeals to pathos when he details the stories of people who, despite enormous hardship, dedicate themselves to their education and are now on their way to a good life.
EFFECTIVE?: I think this is a very effective speech. Even though I have never had any hardships or problems with school, it inspired me to put more effort into my schoolwork. His appeals to pathos were an extremely good way to show those who do have hardships that it is not impossible to overcome, and that all it requires from them is a bit more effort.
Jean Luke Campos
ReplyDeleteMs. Mack
AP English
September 10, 2009
2. Subject: The subject of Obama's speech is to inspire students to push themselves in school. They should strive in school because it's where they'll find there role in society. Also, he emphasizes the value of education.
Occasion: A speech that occured at Wakefield High School in Arlington, Virginia on September 8, 2009. Also, it's the first day of school for the students so, in a way it's a pep talk to make the students push themselves to the fullest.
Audience: His audience is all students especially those who don't fully understand the value of an education or to those who need a little inspiration in school to push forward.
Purpose: Obama mostly wishes to encourage students to push themselves in school. He emphasized determination most. For example, he states how failure is never an end itself, in fact, it could be used as motivation. Also, he states that "the position we're in now, doesn't have to be the end." Basically, he states that we could all progress and grow and that the only way to fail is to quit.
Speaker: Obama is the speaker of the speech but, he speaks mostly as a product of education. Mostly he speaks to show how far education can bring people if they really push themselves.
3. He establishes logos by citing himself as an example of the reaches that education can push oneself towards. Also, in order to further establish logos, he humanizes himself through his greeting in the opening of the speech and his demeanor. He humbles himself to show that anyone can do what he has if enough effort is placed. Furthermore, he cites his wife, Michelle Obama as an example to increase the logos within his speech. Also, he cites people such as, Jazmin Perez who've fought against innumerous odds that have succeeded. He also establishes ethos by putting forth the value of education and it's value towards patriotism. Also, his speech is mostly in the 2nd person. His constant use of "You," makes listeners feel special and responsible. Also, in some parts he plays on democratic values such as fairness or the "American Dream" to push students forward.
4. The speech is effective because it starts very small and personal, then it grows. It starts how our small personal goals can affect the country. Also, he often cites himself as an example yet, he also humanizes himself to unveil the possibilities of education. He speaks as if he's a mentor or parent not as a high government official. Also, he uses friendly diction so, it's easy to understand. His talks are positive and he constantly encourages listeners. He speaks to encourage; his encouragement is also very understanding, it's in no way forceful. Also, it emphasizes the efforts of an individual and how far an individual can push themselves.
Kay Kovitprakornkul
ReplyDeleteMs. Mack
AP English
September 9th, 2009
2) Subject: The president welcomes new and returning students to school. Obama does not focus on education, but more on the personal potential of each student that they have to take their education in their own hands. He emphasizes that students must take responsibility for themselves by being seriously involved in school and taking advantage of their options.
Occasion: A period of time where schools are becoming more and more competitive and the dropout rate is increasing.
Audience: Students that find no purpose in school and need motivation to continue to succeed, also new students who are afraid to explore their opportunities.
Purpose: To inspire students to succeed in the future and have professional jobs in order to secure the future of America.
Speaker: A motivational leader that has overcome struggle, and wants to share their strength with others hoping that they will succeed too.
3) Barack Obama uses pathos at the beginning of his speech by talking about his childhood growing up and how school was difficult for him. Using this type of appeal helps connect to the children on an emotional level so they understand that the president understand what they are going through, because he has done it before. He also uses ethos, because he uses credible celebrities such as J.K Rowling and Michael Jordan as examples of perseverance. By using popular icons that students are familiar with, everyone can relate to them and can feel that they can one day be on that level of success.
4) Although Obama’s speech will not result in an instant change in students work habits, he promotes change over time. This is effective because he challenges students to set small goals for themselves and challenge themselves daily. He believes that doing well day after day will result in success in life and making a contribution back to their society.
Subject: President Obama makes a speech about what American teenagers need to do in school to help their country, and to help them live successful lives.
ReplyDeleteOccasion: The president makes a speech at a High School on their first day of school to make sure they do not waste the upcoming school year. The President also may believe that there are a lot of students today that have it too easy and take advantage of that.
Audience: Is every teenager and even children who are currently school. Anyone who is wasting their opportunity in school or even anyone who is doing well.
Purpose: President Obama's speech is speaking to every student to assure them that everyone is not able to take the easy route to success, but success is always achievable when people keep trying and never give up. someone that always gives their all will be able to succeed in life.
Speaker: President Obama speaks as the president, a father, and a former student, so that he is able to appeal to ethos to show how much experience he has had.
In Obama's speech he seems to making appeals to ethos, logos, and pathos. When talking about people who have had many hardships, and even the girl who battled cancer he tries to tug the heart strings, and even with his personal experience of hardship. He then along with his personal hardship talks about his life in school and shows how he rose up and never gave up and became successful to appeal to ethos. Finally he adds some facts about the country to appeal to logos.
4. This speech is very effective, because he appeals to logos, ehtos, and pathos. It is also effective because he relates himself to the listener and gets personal with them to connect with them more. He states a lot of examples and has a lot of evidence to help excute an effective speech.
Back to Senior Ex. now.
Subject: President Obama makes a speech about what American teenagers need to do in school to help their country, and to help them live successful lives.
ReplyDeleteOccasion: The president makes a speech at a High School on their first day of school to make sure they do not waste the upcoming school year. The President also may believe that there are a lot of students today that have it too easy and take advantage of that.
Audience: Is every teenager and even children who are currently school. Anyone who is wasting their oppurtunity in school or even anyone who is doing well.
Purpose: President Obama's speech is speaking to every student to assure them that everyone is not able to take the easy route to success, but success is always achievable when people keep trying and never give up. someone that always gives their all will be able to succeed in life.
Speaker: President Obama speaks as the president, a father, and a former student, so that he is able to appeal to ethos to show how much experience he has had.
In Obama's speech he seems to making appeals to ethos, logos, and pathos. When talking about people who have had many hardships, and even the girl who battled cancer he tries to tug the heart strings, and even with his personal experience of hardship. He then along with his personal hardship talks about his life in school and shows how he rose up and never gave up and became successful to appeal to ethos. Finally he adds some facts about the country to appeal to logos.
4. This speech is very effective, because he appeals to logos, ehtos, and pathos. It is also effective because he relates himself to the listner and gets personal with them to connect with them more. He states a lot of examples and has a lot of evidence to help excute an effective speech.
1. Krystle Phinn
ReplyDeleteMs. Mack
AP English
Sept. 10, 2009
Subject: The President discusses with the kids about the importance of education and how important it is to set goals and to stick to them.
Occasion: President Obama speaks at a High School in Virginia on Sept. 8 2009. He does this because he realizes that children are the future and he should start from the source.
Audience: President Obama speaks to all the children in the US. But mostly he is targeting the kids who believe that they are unable to be successful because of struggles in their life.
Purpose: The purpose of this was to show students that there is no reason to think that somebody "can't do it." He gives examples of successes and shows that he was once in a position that many of them are in. He wants to make sure that students make a goal and work at it and not be discouraged by mistakes they make along the way.
Speaker: The speaker is somebody that can relate to the students and show them that it is possible to be successful even if you are not coming from much.
3. President Obama uses pathos and ethos to appeal to the students. He uses pathos by expressing that he knows that it is hard and that not everything can come right away. He shows the students that it is okay to not be okay at some subjects. He also shows pathos by telling about his childhood and how he struggled. President Obama also uses ethos because by saying that he has "been there", he shows that he knows what he is talking about and that you should listen to him.
4. This is an effective speech because President Obama is able to relate to the students and make sure they feel as if they are not alone. He encourages them and tells them that it is okay to make mistakes. He helps them dream big by saying that he was once like them and had struggles of his own. He makes sure that all the students don't lose their hopes of being successful.
Suzanne Quon
ReplyDeleteMs. Mack
AP Language 12
Subject: President Barack Obama speaks about education to Wakefield high school about motivation and perseverance through school.
Occasion: He speaks on September 8th, most schools' first day of schools to reiterate the foundation of schooling in America. He constantly states that education provides students with the tools necessary to lead America in the future. He wants students to commit.
Audience: Obama is speaking to all students throughout the nation, whatever age they are.
Purpose: Obama is trying to tell students that education is essential to success in life. He explains how much it benefits his country to have educated people. He is telling all students that they have potential to contribute to their country.
Speaker: Barack Obama is the clear speaker, but speaks for teachers and parents as well.
Obama uses pathos when he describes his own personal struggles when his father left. Yet he persevered through adversity and became president of the United States. He also uses ethos when stating that hard work will result in a good pay off.
I believe this is an effective speech because there is plenty of evidence as to why education is so important in a child's life. It's clearly significant to our future and to future generations. What we learn today will decide what we can give back to our communities.
Jennifer Lindsay Rafael
ReplyDeleteSeptember 11, 2009
President Obama gives a speech to America's students stressing the importance of education and their responsibility to the country to work to their potential to succeed in life.
Being the new president of out nation, president Obama realizes the steps needed to take in order to better this nation. This not only includes doing his part in giving students the best possible opportunity to succeed through teachers, textbooks, and educational programs, but through emphasizing the responsibility of the student. He understands that the youth is an important part of society today and their decisions today will reflect what happens in the future, so inspiring students to strive in school can help better our nation economically, psychologically, and intellectually.
President Obama speaks to American students, emphasizing those who seem "disinterested" in school or have more pressing problems that act as an obstacle in their path to success.
The purpose of President's Obama's speech is to encourage students to strive to get a good education. He wishes to instill that education is the key to success, and that though it may not be easy, it is a responsibility that one has to themselves, and to the country.
Although the speaker is literally President Obama himself, he also speaks on behalf of every other adult citizen striving to better the educational system for adolescents and the youth. He also speaks on behalf of educated citizens who understand the work it takes to achieve success.
President Obama uses pathos in his speech when telling the distinct stories of students who underwent adversities yet still managed to obtain an education. He additionally uses this in sharing a personal story and allowing other students to sympathize with similar adversities. He uses ethos in the strong, determined conviction tone of his voice. He also uses logos to successfully illustrate the responsibilities of every person in this nation.
By speaking directly to students, President Obama acknowledges their importance. He realizes the issues that adolescents often face and is effective in addressing the sentiments of students and appealing to their needs. He acknowledges the importance of an education despite any outside problems and worked to inspire students to work hard. He blatantly states that the work may not always be easy, but working step by step can help pave to way for a successful career. He motivates students through this by not only addressing their needs, but by stating that they are not alone; that the help and family and support can be an aid in the drive for success.
Subject: Each student has the responsibility for his/her own education, which will allow students to fulfill their talents and natural abilities. President Obama emphasizes the fact that good education is required for a good job. Not only do good jobs guarantee the successful future for the student, but also for this country.
ReplyDeleteOccasion: The occasion is a time where students begin their school year with Obama and his educational goals. As the new president, he must make the impression of his commitment to education and to give all he has towards the success of students across America.
Audience: Students who have problems in their lives that may stray their attention away from school work are the target audience, but all student s in America, who are the future of this country, are the general audience.
Purpose: The purpose is to inform students that the problems in their lives are no excuse for neglecting schoolwork and acting up in school. Students must fulfill their responsibilities and never doubt themselves if they do not understand something because that is the process of learning.
Speaker: Although the literal speaker is President Obama he represents teachers and other educated adults all over America whose interest is the success in the futures of today’s students.
3). Obama is clearly using logos and pathos in his appeal to American students nationwide. To utilize logos in his speech, Obama mentions many facts that appeal to the listener’s logic. Lines such as “Some of the most successful people are those who had the most failures” connects with students who do not believe in themselves due to their lack of understand a subject. When Obama establishes the idea of a good education results in a good job, this is a direct appeal to the logic of students because it is easy and too understand and provides motivation for them to achieve goals. As Obama mentions his family’s hardships with their lack of money to pay bills and provide the best school, he is using pathos to identify with students across the country that do not have the luxuries or even necessities that others do.
4). The speech is effective because this is a wakeup call to students across the globe. This speech is not intended for immediate improvement among students but assists in the gradual improvement of education across the country.